Aperture ValueF2
Brightness Value9.23
Color SpacesRGB
Components ConfigurationYCbCr
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Date/Time2018:06:19 14:08:15
Date/Time Digitized2018:06:19 14:08:15
Date/Time Original2018:06:19 14:08:15
Exif Image Height3456 pixels
Exif Image Width4608 pixels
Exif Version2.20
Exposure ModeAuto exposure
Exposure ProgramUnknown program (0)
Exposure Time1/2133 sec
FlashFlash did not fire, auto
FlashPix Version1.00
Focal Length3.57 mm
Focal Length 3527mm
ISO Speed Ratings100
Metering ModeCenter weighted average
ModelNokia 6
Resolution UnitInch
Scene Capture TypeLandscape
Scene TypeDirectly photographed image
Sensing MethodOne-chip color area sensor
Shutter Speed Value1/2132 sec
SoftwareTA-1025_00WW-user 8.1.0 OPR1.170623.026 00WW_5_60B release-keysV100.0014.02V010.0014.02
Sub-Sec Time050391
Sub-Sec Time Digitized050391
Sub-Sec Time Original050391
Thumbnail Data[6162 bytes of thumbnail data]
Thumbnail Length6162 bytes
Thumbnail Offset992 bytes
White BalanceAuto white balance
X Resolution72 dots per inch
Y Resolution72 dots per inch
YCbCr PositioningCenter of pixel array