- Aperture ValueF1.8
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- CompressionJPEG (old-style)
- Date/Time2021:01:14 15:09:16
- Date/Time Digitized2021:01:14 15:09:16
- Date/Time Original2021:01:14 15:09:16
- Digital Zoom Ratio3.2
- Exif Image Height4000 pixels
- Exif Image Width3000 pixels
- Exif Version2.20
- Exposure ModeAuto exposure
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- Exposure Time1/640 sec
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- Focal Length7.821 mm
- Focal Length 3594mm
- ISO Speed Ratings50
- Light SourceUnknown
- Makevivo
- Metering ModeCenter weighted average
- Modelvivo 1920
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- Resolution UnitInch
- Scene Capture TypeStandard
- Scene TypeDirectly photographed image
- Sensing Method
- Shutter Speed Value1/639 sec
- Softwaretrinket-user 9 PKQ1.190626.001 compiler06231821 release-keys
- Sub-Sec Time478031
- Sub-Sec Time Digitized478031
- Sub-Sec Time Original478031
- Thumbnail Data[45469 bytes of thumbnail data]
- Thumbnail Image Height4000 pixels
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- User Commentmodule: a;
hw-remosaic: 0;
touch: (0.5083333, 0.5083333);
modeInfo: ;
sceneMode: 32768;
cct_value: 0;
AI_Scene: (-1, -1);
aec_lux: 0.0;
hist255: 0.0;
hist252~255: 0.0;
hist0~15: 0.0;
- White BalanceAuto white balance
- X Resolution72 dots per inch
- Y Resolution72 dots per inch
- YCbCr PositioningCenter of pixel array