Aperture ValueF1.8
Brightness Value8.17
Color SpacesRGB
Components ConfigurationYCbCr
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Date/Time2021:01:14 15:15:48
Date/Time Digitized2021:01:14 15:15:48
Date/Time Original2021:01:14 15:15:48
Digital Zoom Ratio1
Exif Image Height4000 pixels
Exif Image Width2256 pixels
Exif Version2.20
Exposure ModeAuto exposure
Exposure ProgramUnknown program (0)
Exposure Time1/1743 sec
FlashFlash did not fire, auto
FlashPix Version1.00
Focal Length2.41 mm
Focal Length 3529mm
ISO Speed Ratings50
Light SourceUnknown
Metering ModeCenter weighted average
Modelvivo 1920
Resolution UnitInch
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Scene TypeDirectly photographed image
Sensing Method
Shutter Speed Value1/1742 sec
Softwaretrinket-user 9 PKQ1.190626.001 compiler06231821 release-keys
Sub-Sec Time536692
Sub-Sec Time Digitized536692
Sub-Sec Time Original536692
Thumbnail Data[17826 bytes of thumbnail data]
Thumbnail Image Height4000 pixels
Thumbnail Image Width2256 pixels
Thumbnail Length17826 bytes
Thumbnail Offset1312 bytes
User Commentmodule: a; hw-remosaic: 0; touch: (0.9388889, 0.9388889); modeInfo: ; sceneMode: Auto; cct_value: 0; AI_Scene: (16, -1); aec_lux: 0.0; hist255: 0.0; hist252~255: 0.0; hist0~15: 0.0;
White BalanceAuto white balance
X Resolution72 dots per inch
Y Resolution72 dots per inch
YCbCr PositioningCenter of pixel array