Aperture ValueF2.4
Brightness Value19915/4064
Color SpaceUndefined
Components ConfigurationYCbCr
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Date/Time2024:05:07 12:52:46
Date/Time Digitized2024:05:07 12:52:46
Date/Time Original2024:05:07 12:52:46
Digital Zoom Ratio2.3
Exif Image Height3024 pixels
Exif Image Width4032 pixels
Exif Version2.32
Exposure Bias Value0 EV
Exposure ModeAuto exposure
Exposure ProgramProgram normal
Exposure Time1/122 sec
FlashFlash did not fire, auto
FlashPix Version1.00
Focal Length6.0 mm
Focal Length 35117mm
ISO Speed Ratings100
Metering ModeMulti-segment
ModeliPhone XS
OrientationRight side, top (Rotate 90 CW)
Resolution UnitInch
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Scene TypeDirectly photographed image
Sensing MethodOne-chip color area sensor
Shutter Speed Value1/121 sec
Sub-Sec Time Digitized271
Sub-Sec Time Original271
Subject Location2023 1512 2329 1386
Thumbnail Data[12006 bytes of thumbnail data]
Thumbnail Length12006 bytes
Thumbnail Offset2852 bytes
Unknown tag (0x013c)iPhone XS
Unknown tag (0x9010)+09:00
Unknown tag (0x9011)+09:00
Unknown tag (0x9012)+09:00
Unknown tag (0xa432)17/4 6/1 9/5 12/5
Unknown tag (0xa433)Apple
Unknown tag (0xa434)iPhone XS back dual camera 6mm f/2.4
Unknown tag (0xa460)2
White BalanceAuto white balance
X Resolution72 dots per inch
Y Resolution72 dots per inch
YCbCr PositioningCenter of pixel array