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egg from a pheasant 瀏覽435 推薦0 -
globules on the leaf of papaya 瀏覽438 推薦0 -
Mongo 瀏覽464 推薦0 -
狼尾草(Pennisetum alopecuroides) 瀏覽524 推薦0 -
李子(Prunus domestica) 瀏覽620 推薦0 -
香椿(Cedrela sinensis Juss.) 瀏覽617 推薦0 -
梨園一景 瀏覽486 推薦0 -
山路入口 瀏覽500 推薦0 -
地瓜花 瀏覽675 推薦0 -
芋頭4 瀏覽440 推薦0 -
芋頭3 瀏覽426 推薦0 -
芋頭2 瀏覽474 推薦0 -
芋頭1 瀏覽438 推薦0 -
White Pharbitis nil on September 24, 2006 瀏覽528 推薦0 -
Guess what the flower is^^ 瀏覽539 推薦0 -
Leaves of Dioscorea polystachya Turcz on September 15, 2006 瀏覽614 推薦0 -
Duranta repens cv. ' Dwarftype' on September 15, 2006 瀏覽596 推薦1 -
The flowers of pear on September 2, 2006 瀏覽497 推薦0 -
The flowers of leeks on September 2, 2006 瀏覽521 推薦0 -
A ootheca of a mantid on July 23, 2006 瀏覽614 推薦0